Note that the original costume slot 1 option is still there in the game so you aren't overwriting that costume. Something like this, but for Ayane, and with not quite so many possibilities: Get the three files out of AYANE JACKET PANTS.7z and put them into the 01 directory.Ĭongratulations, you're done! No, really! Start the game, start a fight, select Ayane, and you'll now see a new option in the 'details' for her first costume that says 'Ayane Jacket Pants' that you can select. Now open up (or create) the AYANE folder in AutoLink. Use it and you'll get a file called AYANE JACKET PANTS.7z. The download option is in the upper right corner. If you follow the link in the description you'll go to Google Drive where you can find the file you want. If you follow the download button you'll just get an image. Let's go through it step by step with a nice little mod for Ayane by funnybunny666 that you can find here: Now that you're all installed, you'll probably want a mod to put in. There's a few specialized ones you can find in the NAME.txt that aren't there.) (Well, all the ones you are ever likely to use. If you got AutoLink from Google Drive then they are already made for you. If you got the file from FallingCat, you'll need to make a folder for every fighter you want to get costume mods for. That file contains the name AutoLink uses for every fighter (e.g. If you go into the AutoLink folder you'll see a file called NAME.txt. AutoLink is now installed! If you run the game, it should tell you the version of AutoLink along with the game's version down in the lower right corner. Now just drag the files and folder out of 7-Zip and into that directory. Pick the Local Files tab and choose the option to browse to the files. Right click on Dead or Alive in your library and choose Properties at the bottom of the list. If you don't know where that is (or just forgot what drive you put it on), Steam will tell you. Take those files and drop them into the game's directory. Costume mods often use these formats, too, as well as mods for many other games. You can use 7-Zip [to extract either type. If you don't know what those are, they are a bunch of files compressed and packed into one file, just like Zip.

Note: FallingCat uses RAR compression and the Google Drive version uses 7Z. Or you can just download it from Google Drive. If you want the latest version, though, that's the place to go. Unfortunately, that website now requires registration to download files which can be quite a pain. The "right and proper" place to get the mod would be 3DMGame's website where FallingCat is maintaining the mod.